The history of the Committee traces its roots to November 1953, when a group of Polish women activists, in response to an appeal from the Union of Polish Women in Great Britain, took the initiative to help Polish children who were in dire straits after the war. Zofia Romer, together with Zofia Babinska, Irena Petrusewicz, Aniela Agopsowicz and Krystyna Idziak, founded the Committee For Relief To Polish Children in Montreal. Initially, the founders of the Committee, relying on their own funds, supported Polish children located in Germany - sending regular food parcels or helping Polish families adopt orphans. Gradually, income-generating activities were enriched with the organization of fairs, bridge tournaments, fashion revues, picnics, and social gatherings, which boosted the Committee's coffers and allowed for more coordinated assistance.
1. Assisting Polish children in Canada and abroad by :
2. Asistance to Polish non-profit institutions for the chronically ill and disabled.
The founder of this Fund was Ms. Marianna Lisowska. This Fund was established in 2015 in order to equalize educational opportunities for Polish children and young people in difficult financial conditions. The Fund gave rise to the Scholarship Program, which aims to: